Congratulations to the 2024 Graduates in Pathology & Laboratory Medicine!

  Student Degree Thesis/Dissertation Title
Moones Yadegari MSc Developing a platform to monitor and target cancer-specific cell surface proteoforms
Danilo Tali Gordon Romero MSc Association between neurological blood biomarkers with baseline neuroimaging and cognitive assessments in adults with moderate to severe congenital heart disease
Josie Setiawan MSc Mutation of tryptophan residues in the binding site of novel therapeutics for prostate cancer
Lauren Denault MSc The role of cysteine residues in the binding of novel therapeutics for prostate cancer
Raneen Abdul-Rahman MSc Characterizing the neuronal expression of neuronal PAS-domain containing protein 4 and aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 in multiple sclerosis related inflammatory settings in vitro
Sau Ching Honor Cheung MSc Using light sheet microscopy to investigate the role of apolipoprotein e4 in traumatic vascular injury
Madeline Lauener PhD Characterization and expansion of regulatory natural killer cells for the therapy of chronic graft-versus-host disease
Emel Islamzada PhD Deformability based cell sorting enabling quality control of donated red blood cells
Marie-Soleil Rouleau Smith PhD Cellular and mitochondrial toxicity of integrase strand transfer inhibitors in human embryonic stem cell models
Yu Li PhD Functional characterization of recurrent mutations in the NF-κB and JAK-STAT signaling pathways in B cell lymphomas
Tseday Zewdu Tegegn PhD Mechanisms of dengue virus-mediated thrombocytopenia through virus-encoded protein synthesis and induction of selective host proteins in megakaryocytes and platelets
Amirhossein Bahreyni PhD Development of a safe treatment for breast cancer using an oncolytic Coxsackievirus B3
Li Ling PhD Integrin alpha6 mediates the invasion and metastasis of breast cancer cells