Lange, Philipp

Portrait photo of Philipp Lange


Lange, Philipp

PhD, MSc

Basic Info

Academic Rank:

Assistant Professor, UBC, Investigator, Michael Cuccione Childhood Cancer


BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute


BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute

Short Bio

Currently there are still no cures for one in every six children suffering from cancer.

Dr. Philipp Lange, Canada Research Chair in ‘Translational Proteomics of Pediatric Malignancies’, develops new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to detect and treat children suffering from cancer earlier, better and with reduced impact on their life.

His research focuses on the aberrant cellular signaling pathways that are involved in select pediatric cancers. He applies and develops proteomics technologies to detect all proteins in a cell and he monitors how they are changed by post-translational modification (PTM). Such PTM can fundamentally alter the function of a protein. He then explores the role of these PTMs in cancer using cell biology as well as biochemistry and attempts to find new ways of using this knowledge to improve diagnosis and treatment of cancer in children.

Dr. Philipp Lange complements his experimental work with bioinformatics. He focuses on the development of algorithms for the prediction of protein function and the development of new biological knowledgebases to improve the functional analysis of genomics and proteomics data and guide personalized treatment decisions.


Academic Backgrounds

  • Free University of Berlin, PhD, Biochemistry. 2008
  • University of Hamburg, MSc, Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Computer science. 2004

Awards & Recognition

Selected Publications

  • Pitter F Huesgen, Philipp F Lange , Lindsay D Rogers, Nestor Solis, Ulrich Eckhard, Oded Kleifeld, Theodoros Goulas, F Xavier Gomis-Rüth & Christopher M Overall (2014). LysargiNase mirrors trypsin for protein C-terminal and methylation-site identification Nature Methods 12, 55–58 (2015)
  • Nikolaus Fortelny, Jennifer Cox, Reinhild Kappfelhoff, Amanda E. Starr, Philipp F. Lange, Paul Pavlidis, Christopher M. Overall (2014). Network Analyses Reveal Pervasive Functional Regulation Between Proteases in the Human Protease Web PLoS Biology, 12(5):e1001869. PMID: 24865846.
  • Philipp F Lange*, Pitter F Huesgen*, Karen Nguyen, Christopher M Overall (2014) Annotating N termini for the Human Proteome Project: N termini differentiate stable processed protein species from degradation remnants in the human erythrocyte proteome. Journal of Proteome Research13 (4), 2028-2044 (* joint first authors)
  • Huesgen PF*, Lange PF*, Overall CM (2014) Ensembles of protein termini are sensitive and specific proteolytic signature biomarkers of disease, Proteomics – Clinical Applications (* joint first authors)
  • Lange PF, Overall CM (2013) Protein TAILS: When termini tell tales of proteolysis and function. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 17(1):73-82
  • Philipp F. Lange, Pitter F. Huesgen, Christopher M. Overall (2012). TopFIND 2.0—linking protein termini with proteolytic processing and modifications altering protein functionNucleic acids research. 40(D1): D351-D361.
  • Philipp F. Lange & Christopher M. Overall (2011). TopFIND, a knowledgebase linking protein termini with functionNature Methods 8: 703–704.
  • auf dem Keller U, Bellac CL, Li Y, Lou Y, Lange PF, Ting R, Harwig C, Kappelhoff R, Dedhar S, Adam MJ, Ruth TJ, Bénard F, Perrin DM, Overall CM (2010). Novel matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor [18F]marimastat-­‐aryltrifluoroborate as a probe for in vivo positron emission tomography imaging in cancerCancer Research 1;70(19):7562-­9.
  • Philipp F. Lange, Lena Wartosch, Thomas J. Jentsch, Jens C. Fuhrmann (2006). ClC–7 requires Ostm1 as a β–subunit to support bone resorption and lysosomal functionNature 440: 220–223.

Current Openings & Opportunities

Current Projects In My Lab include


Common Expertise:
Antibody development; Biochemistry; Bioinformatics; Cell biology; Cell culture; Confocal microscopy; Genetics; Histology; Informatics; Immunocytochemistry & immunohistochemistry; Mass spectrometry; Microarrays; Molecular biology; Neurobiology; Physiology; Proteomics; Systems biology


  • Research Areas: Human disease; Ion channels; Post‐translational protein modifications; Protease biology; Protein interaction; Protein termini
  • Genetics: Genetic screenings of autosomal dominant and recessive osteoporosis (ADO, ARO)
  • Proteomics: Enrichment & identification of protein termini (N‐TAILS, C‐TAILS); Mass spectrometric analysis of protease cleavage site specificities (PICS); Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) of functional protein states (PSP‐ STEP); Phosphoproteomics;
  • Protease substrate identification; Protein databases; Protein quantitation (MS, MS/MS); Protein search engines; Shot‐gun proteomics; Selective protein enrichment;
  • Computational: Clustering; Co‐expression analysis; Confidence calculations; Database development; Data mining; Enrichment analysis; Machine learning; Probabilistic networks; Web application development
  • Cell Culture: Bacterial cultures; Cancer cell Lines; 3D cell culture; Co‐culture systems; Primary cell culture: Fibroblasts;
  • Hepatocytes; Neurons, Osteoclasts
  • Microscopy: Life cell imaging; Fluorescence lifetime microscopy (FLIM) of vesicular chloride; Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) imaging (membrane protein–‐protein interactions); Ratio metric ion imaging

Animal Models:
In vivo protein endocytosis and degradation essays; Knock‐out mouse models of chloride transporters and subunits; Syngeneic murine breast cancer models

Human Diseases:
Cancer; Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL); Osteopetrosis; Osteoporosis

