Our department offers additional elective courses that can be taken on the recommendation of your supervisory committee. These courses are listed below, but do not necessarily run every year:
PATH 518B* (2-4 credits) Pulmonary Pathophysiology (runs Sept - Dec**)
A review of current topics in pulmonary pathophysiology at an advanced level suitable for graduate students majoring in pathology, medicine, surgery or anesthesiology. Topics will include lung anatomy, ventilation, blood flow, gas and fluid exchange. Prerequisite: PHYL 301, PHYL 303, PHYL 400. The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. *This course is cross-listed with parent-course MEDI 560, so seating is limited to 3. **Scheduled for 2025, then every other year. Course Coordinator: Dr. Najib Ayas
PATH 521 (3 credits) Introduction to the Pathogenesis of Human Disease (runs Jun – Jul)
The objective is to provide students with the ability to understand recent advancements in cell physiology and modern research techniques, and how they are being applied to increase our understanding of pathogenic mechanisms. Upon completion of this course, students should be familiar with selected current research topics related to cardiovascular and respiratory disease. Course Coordinator: Dr. Honglin Luo
PATH 531* (3 credits) Molecular and Cell Biology of Cancer (runs Jan- Apr)
This course focuses on molecular and cell biology of cancer and consists of a series of lectures/reviews combined with discussions and presentations by students on the topics selected by the instructors. Emphasis will be on students’ presentations and discussion. *This course is cross-listed with parent-course MEDG 521, so seating is limited to 3. Course Coordinators: Dr. Will Lockwood and Dr. Katey Enfield
PATH 570* (3 credits) Cardiovascular Pathophysiology (runs Jan - Apr)
Pathogenesis, abnormal physiology, and therapeutic approaches in heart disease including cardiac arrhythmia, heart failure, myocardial infarction, hypertension, atherosclerosis. *This course is cross-listed with parent-course MEDI 570, so seating is limited to 3. Course Coordinator: Dr. Stephanie Sellers
BIOC 511 – Biochemical Aspects of Cellular Regulation
BIOL 300 – Fundamentals of Biostatistics
BIOL 334 – Basic Genetics
BIOL 335 – Molecular Genetics
BIOL 362 – Cellular Physiology
BIOL 441 – Animal Cell Biology
BIOL 530 – The Biology of the Cell
CELL 503 – Current Topics in Cellular Communication
CELL 508 – Molecular Genetic Analysis
CELL 511 – Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Human Disease
HUNU 500 – Research Methods in Human Nutrition
HUNU 503 – Current Issues in Nutrition and Metabolism
MEDG 419 – Human Cytogenetics
MEDG 420 – Human Biochemical and Molecular Genetics
MEDG 421 – Genetics and Cell Biology of Cancer
MEDG 505 – Genome Analysis
MEDG 520 – Advanced Human Molecular Genetics
MEDG 530 – Human Genetics
MEDI 501 – Molecular and Cellular Biology of Experimental Medicine
MEDI 590 – Molecular Regulation of Cell Growth and Differentiation
MICB 402 – Advanced Immunology
MICB 502 – Advanced Immunogenetics
ONCO 502 – Concepts in Oncology
PHAR 448 – Environmental and Cellular Toxicology
PHAR 501 – Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics
PHAR 502 – Advanced concepts in Pharmacokinetics
PHIL 433A – Bio®Medical Ethics
PHYS 305 – Introduction to Biophysics
PHYS 404 – Introduction to Medical Physics
PHYS 405 – Radiation Biophysics
PHYS 534 – Radiotherapy Physics I
PHYS 535 – Radiotherapy Physics II
PHYS 540 – Radiological Imaging
PSYC 314 – Health Psychology
PSYC 535 – Psychopathology of the Adult
PSYC 560 – Clinical Research Design